An Nisa Cesarini, Nabila Sulaeman, Sherly Saputri Mulyana, Velania Yolandri


Using technology is a solution to answer the difficulties of learning English in the current global pandemic era. One of the technologies that can help in learning English is Duolingo. Duolingo is an application that can help students to increase their vocabulary mastery. This study sought to find out the implementation of Duolingo in learning vocabulary, the effect of using Duolingo in enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery, and students’ perception toward the use of Duolingo. A qualitative research was employed on this research to reach the aims mentioned. The instruments were test, questionnaire, and observation. The observation was used to find out the answer of the first question. Meanwhile, the questionnaire was used to find out the answer to third question, and the test was used to find out the answer of the second question. To analyze the data collection, this study followed Miles and Huberman model. Based on the data, the study reveals that there was a significant effect of the students’ vocabulary mastery after they were taught through Duolingo application since the test value was higher. This indicates that Duolingo facilitates the learners to enhance their vocabulary mastery

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1325


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