Dadan Wahyudin


This study aims to find the diction contained in football news on HU Kompas, September-October 2020 edition and to reveal the greeting words of football news in HU Kompas, September-October 2020 edition. This study applies descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected on HU Kompas with observation and note-taking techniques. The method used is a separate method which includes basic techniques and advanced techniques. The results showed: (1) the diction found in the soccer column sports news column in the September - October 2020 edition of the Kompas newspaper totaled 123 data divided into ten parts, namely the use of the word diction means denotation (12 data), the use of words means connotation (20 data), use of common words (13 data), use of special words (25 data), use of concrete words (8), use of scientific words (10 data), use of popular words (10 data), jargon (5 data), slang words (4 data), and the word senses (2 data); (2) The greeting words used in the football column HU Kompas news column September-October 2020 edition, the researcher divides them into four types, namely the most dominant nicknames based on 13 data, based on 3 self-name abbreviations, based on the number of animal names. 5 data, based on the article "Si" totaling 3 data, and based on the city name totaling 2 data.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1317


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