Implementation of Imaginative Sugestion Method by Using Audio Visual Media in Learning Poetry Writing

Andri Firman Budiansah


The research is led by the problems on student’s skill in writing poetry in eight grade SMPN 3 Cipanas cianjur. Imaginative suggestion method with audio visual media does not only create comfortable atmosphere but also give suggestion that develop students amaginative skill. The research design used in this study is One Group Pre-test Post-test. The design is aimed to find out the result of the subject and to show how well the final results of each subject. Based on the results, it is shown that there is a significant difference of students’ ability of writing poetry before and after using Imaginative Suggestion method With Visual-Audio Media, it is proven by calculation with t-test obtained t arithmetic is 2.68 and t table price t 0,05 ie 2.04. it shows that t count (2.68)> t table (2.04). Then it can be concluded that the results of implementing Imaginative Suggestion method With Visual-Audio Media on Poetry Writing is effective.

Keywords: imaginative suggestion method, audio-visual media, poetry writing

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