Efektivitas Pembelajaran Menganalisis Cerita Pendek Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning

Dirwan Darmawangsa


This article discusses the effectiveness of students' learning, interests, and abilities in analyzing characters and characterizing short stories using the discovery learning model. The method used is classroom action research with 3 cycles, with instrument in the form of observation sheet and questionnaire. The research was conducted in class XI SMA Pasundan I Cianjur. The results of the study showed that there was an increase in the effectiveness of learning. In the first cycle of class is still noisy, then on the second cycle has started not rowdy, and on the III cycle is good. Student interest also increases in cycle I students who are active only a small part, on the second cycle began to grow and in cycle III is already high. Students' ability in analyzing short story also increases because in cycle I the average score of students is only 69,58, at second cycle of 81,66 and in cycle III reach 85,20. It was concluded that the use of discovery learning model in learning to analyze character and characterization in class XI SMA Pasundan 1 Cianjur can improve the effectiveness, student interest and student learning outcomes.

Keywords: short story, discovery learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/alinea.v1i1.66


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