Use of Communicative Approach and the Use of Image Media in Improving Writing Skills

Tuti Nurhayati


The communicative approach and use an iamege media without pictorial picture books can be used to improve students' skills in writing essays. The research was conducted using a classroom action research design. Subjects in this study were third grade students of Cinangsi Elementary School, Cikalongkulon District. The study was conducted in two cycles. Data collection uses test and non-test techniques. The test used is a test of action in the form of assignment writing essays, while the non-test technique used is observation, journals, interviews, and photo documentation. The results showed that the average learning outcomes in the first cycle was 73.79, and in the second cycle increased to 88.12. Thus, there was an increase from cycle I to cycle II of 14.33%. This increase in student writing skills is also followed by changes in behavior, from negative behavior to positive behavior. In cycle II, students who were previously less enthusiastic about writing essays became enthusiastic, happy, and interested after participating in learning to write essays with a communicative approach and media without textbooks.

Keywords: communicative approach, writing essays

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