Analysis of physical conditions and basic skills of table tennis players in malang city

Siti Nurrochmah, Rachmad Fariz Furrochman, Guntur Firmansyah


The purpose of this study was to determine and examine the description of the physical condition that has components which are strength, agility and reaction speed as well as basic service and drive technical skills possessed by table tennis athletes in Table Tennis Federation of Malang City. This research is a quantitative descriptive type and uses an observational test approach. The population was 55 people and the sampling used a purposive proportionate random sampling technique with a portion of 90% of 55 people, a total sample of 50 people. Data collection uses measurement techniques in the form of physical condition tests and sports skills tests. The results obtained in the components of agility, arm muscle strength, reaction speed, as well as basic drive technical skill were in the "enough" category, the dominant arm muscle strength component is "sufficient", the dominant reaction speed component is "enough", the basic dominant technique skills are "insufficient", and the basic dominant drive technique skills are "enough". The conclusion of the research results indicated that each component of physical condition obtained a “satisfactory†category whereas the basic technical skills mostlyobtained a “satisfactory†category.


Keywords: Physical condition, strength, agility, reaction speed, serve, drive.

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