Pemilihan Vendor Dengan Mengintegrasikan Metode ANP-TOPSIS dan Goal Programming

Mohammad Cipto Sugiono


The selection of vendors and the allocation of building material purchases is an important activity that affects the sustainability of the project in progress. In the purchase of such materials should pay attention to many factors that are considered important so that the company get the right vendors to meet the needs of the project. This research aims to obtain the best criteria and weight vendors for the purchase of materials as well as the proper allocation of purchase based on the value of each criterion and the weight of the vendor owned. Through the completion model of the ANP, TOPSIS, and Goal Programming methods. From the results of the research and interviews there are 6 criteria with 15 Subcriteria to assess the vendor, including Quality, Performance History, Technical Capability, Financial Vendor, Management and organization, and Price. The results showed that, there were 6 criteria that were considered in the decision making, Among the Quality: 0.447025, Performance history: 0.154519, Technical ability: 0.079574, Financial Vendor: 0.042768, Management and Organization: 0.02231, and Price: 0.253804. Then for the results of the best vendors, for materials building 1 is Vendors PT. B, materials building 2 is PT. G, and the last material building 3 is PT. I. With the allocation of purchase of the building material 1 in the vendor PT. B as much as 3703 m3, the material Building 2 is in the vendor of PT. F amounting to 500 m3 and PT. G vendor of 1269 m3. And material Building 3 in vendor PT. I of 467 m3.


Pemilihan vendor dan alokasi pembelian material bangunan merupakan suatu kegiatan penting yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan proyek sedang berjalan. Pembelian bahan material harus memperhatikan banyak faktor yang dianggap penting agar perusahaan mendapatkan vendor yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bobot kriteria dan vendor terbaik untuk pembelian material sekaligus pengalokasian pembelian yang tepat berdasarkan nilai tiap kriteria dan bobot kriteria yang dimiliki vendor. Melalui model penyelesaian metode ANP, TOPSIS, dan Goal Programming. Data merupakan hasil ANP, di antaranya: penentuan kriteria dan sub-kriteria, inner dan outer dependence, matrik perbandingan, pengecekan rasio konsistensi, super matriks, dan bobot tiap sub-kriteria. Dengan penggunaan software super decision, pie chart, dan bar chart. Dari hasil penelitian dan wawancara terdapat 6 kriteria dengan 15 sub-kriteria untuk menilai vendor, yaitu Kualitas, Sejarah Performa, Kemampuan Teknis, Financial Vendor, Manajemen dan Organisasi, dan Harga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat 6 kriteria yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan pemilihan, di antaranya Kualitas: 0.447025, Sejarah Performa: 0.154519, Kemampuan Teknis: 0.079574, Financial Vendor: 0.042768, Manajemen dan Organisasi: 0.02231, dan Harga: 0.253804. Kesimpulan untuk hasil vendor terbaik setelah pengolahan data diantaranya untuk material bangunan 1 yaitu PT B dengan alokasi pembelian material 3.703 m3, material bangunan 2 yaitu PT G dengan alokasi pembelian material 1.269 m3 dan PT F sebesar 500 m3, dan material bangunan 3 yaitu PT I dengan alokasi pembelian material 467 m3.


Selection of Vendor; Criteria; Analytic Network Process (ANP); Technique For Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS); Goal Programming

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