Journal History

Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri is a publication media for industrial engineering field and other relevant fields. The journal is managed by the industrial engineering department of Universitas Suryakancana and has been registered in LIPI  (ISSN online 2581-0561, and ISSN printed 2581-0529). This journal is published every six months (around March and September) and is open to authors from any institution with related disciplines.

In the publication process, Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri has experienced delays (as in Vol 3 No. 2), but this is a motivation for managers to continue to be enthusiastic in meeting the target editions that must be published. Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri made cover changes starting from vol 3 No. 1, since getting information that the cover may not contain journal article titles. In order to increase the number of citations, JMTSI also made changes to the template starting from Vol 4 No. 2 namely adding the article title in English.