Lilis Amaliah Rosdiana


This article will describe the ability of students in writing of speech text with exercise methods and describe an effectiveness at improve Indonesian learning. In this research was used classroom action research (PTK), which consists of first and second cycle for the focus reaserch. Based on the results of the students ability score of each cycle, students generally increased. In the first cycle, as much as 16,6% or five students were include in good categories, while the students are included in enough categories that 60% or eighteen students. And 23,3% oe seven students was in less categories. In the second cycle, who are in the very good category as much as 40% or twelve students, students were included in good categories as much as 56,6% or seventeen students, while in the category including enough as much asn 3,3% or just one student. Thus, exercise metodhs is proven to increase the ability of students in writing of speech text and can increase the effectiveness of Indonesian learning subjects. It is felt by the majority of students who stated in observation, student daily journal, also notes field.

Keywords: writing of speech text, exercise metodhs, Classroom Action Research

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