Geuri Nurhayati


Vocabulary is a basic component of the language because there is no language without vocabulary. It is important to learn vocabulary in learning foreign language. It will be difficult to master the language without knowing and understanding a number of vocabularies. Therefore, this research is aimed to find out whether treasure hunt game is effective to be implemented in teaching young learners’ vocabulary skill. In addition, it is also aimed to know the students’ responses to the implementation of treasure hunt game in teaching vocabulary. This research utilized the quantitative method by using control group pre-test-post-test as a type of true experimental design. Meanwhile, data collection techniques used in this research were test instrument and non-test instrument. In test instrument, it used pre-test and post-test. Furthermore, in non-test instrument, it used questionnaire to support the test instrument by measuring affective scale of young learners so it could give the high level of validity of this research. Based on the finding by using Independent Sample T-test, it was obtained ½ sig (2-tailed) 0,001 and it was less than 0,05. It means the improvement of experimental class in vocabulary skill is better than control class. In addition, the finding of students’ responses showed that the range of all statements’ percentage was from 84% to 95% and it was in the area of positive category. So, it can be concluded the implementation of treasure hunt game is effective to be implemented in teaching young learners’ vocabulary skill.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Young Learners, Treasure Hunt Game

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