Irma Mangar, M.Abdim Munib, Windi Angraini, Suci Rochmatul Ummah


Elections are a vital means of government in democracies that use a representative system of elections, serve as a filter tool for politicians, politicians who will represent and carry the voice of the people in representative institutions, The method used in this writing is scientific normative research, which is defined as research on legislation in terms of legislative power and government relations in the form of library research,  Constitutional amendments to make state laws more durable and difficult to modify So, when creating a constitution, two things must be considered: First, the content must be general and contain only matters of principle, The effectiveness of the School Program for Participatory Supervisory Cadres in the Network (SKPP Online) in Bojonegoro City, Bawaslu Bojonegoro has seen in the recent general election that community involvement is quite low, let alone community reports. The conduct of elections must be evaluated to improve the conduct of elections. Elections as a method for individuals to exercise their fundamental rights must be strengthened and refined.


Keywords: Bawaslu; Participative; Integrity and Dignified Election.

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