Budiman Budiman


Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment and effort of a business entity to play a role in the implementation of social welfare. As one of the company's obligations, CSR can certainly help local governments to alleviate poverty problems in an area where a company is founded. The problem is that the Company's Corporate Social Responsibility obligations in terms of Social Welfare Theory and Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Companies and the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Company are linked to Social Welfare theory. The research method used by the author is by using a normative juridical approach where the main data used is secondary data, namely reference books, laws and regulations, articles, papers, etc. The results of this study are that in terms of corporate responsibility it cannot be fully carried out due to the regulations related to the implementation of the CSR program there are still legal voids and the sanctions imposed are unclear, so this affects the implementation of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) companies that are appropriate with what is regulated in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies but in terms of its implementation, it cannot be said that it has not been maximal for all companies in Karawang Regency in implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Company; Social Welfare.

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