Mumuh M. Rozi


The recent growth of minimarkets in Cianjur Regency, is considered to have indirectly threatened and paralyzed, traditional traders. Therefore, the regional government of Cianjur Regency was asked to think about the fate of small traders who could lose their livelihoods due to being run over by large companies. The government is required to review the issuance of permits for the establishment of these minimarkets. Shopping Malls and Modern Stores. The research objective was to determine the impact of the establishment of a mini-market on the climate of small and micro businesses and the policies of the Cianjur Regency Government in creating a healthy business climate. Legal protection for small or micro businesses for the presence of Minimarket in Cianjur Regency. The research method of normative juridical research is research that is focused on examining the application of the norms or norms in positive law which is carried out by examining various legal rules. The results of this research show that the franchise policy limitation is in accordance with the policy objectives, but the results of this policy cannot directly have a major impact on the business activities of grocery stores and traditional shops. This is also caused by external factors beyond the influence of the policy itself, namely the taste and tendency of consumers to prefer shopping at minimarkets rather than at grocery stores or traditional stalls. Meanwhile, from the internal side, the UMKM itself is less touched by the existence of this regulation, namely regarding the empowerment of MSMEs and growing and increasing the capacity of MSMEs to become strong and independent businesses.


Keywords: Business Competition, Minimarket, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

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