Peran Serta Masyarakat, Dunia Usaha dan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Perluasan Kesempatan Kerja Berdasarkan Slogan CIANJUR JAGO dan Visi, Misi Kabupaten Cianjur (Dikaji Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan)

Ahmad Hunaeni Zulkarnaen


The participation of the society, business community and the Government of Cianjur
regency in creating the expansion of employment by the slogan "Cianjur Jago" in line
with the Vision of Cianjur Regency 2016-2021 "Cianjur Lebih Maju dan Agamis" (more
advance and religious) and Medium Term Development Mission 2016-2021 for the next
five years is a commitment to achieve the Vision of Cianjur, which is to increase
development in all sectors without any boundaries. It should be recognize that human resources development in the economic field, is a very responsible prominent factor for
the Government of Cianjur in realizing the greatest prosperity for people by equity in a
fair and equitable target of growth and it can be enjoyed by all citizens for the
achievement of Cianjur economical stability. Prospective workers, workers and
laborers are very vital role as actors and gaining economic development goals in
Cianjur where success is determined by the development of employment, equity and
expansion of employment opportunities as well as the provision of skillful workers and
laborers whose appropriate with the regional development Cianjur needs are the
human resources manifestation.
Keywords: The slogan "Cianjur Jago"; Vision-Mission, Business Participation, Local
Government Community of Cianjur Regency; Employment.

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C. Jurnal, Makalah, Internet, dan











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