Siti Gina Meilani, Elis Homsini Maolida, Jauhar Helmie


This research focuses on EFL pre-service teachers’ efforts and struggles in teaching English online. This is a narrative inquiry research by collecting data from diary, interview and informal conversation. The participants of this study were two pre-service teachers from English education department of a private university in Cianjur. The findings showed that in teaching English online, the EFL pre-service teachers (PSTs) did various efforts in preparation and implementation stage. In the preparation stage, the EFL PSTs tried to optimize their efforts and faced some challenges in designing lesson plan for online teaching, creating teaching videos and choosing the suitable platforms and media. In the implementation stage, their efforts and struggles were identified in terms of students’ participation management and assignment submission as well as providing clear and comprehensible instruction in online class context. Beside consulting the teacher mentors, the PSTs also carried out reflection on their teaching to improve the quality of their teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.3046


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