Gustaf Carel, Dadang Juandi


The development of technology in the Era of Society 5.0 underlies the  creation of a new era regarding the use of data, namely the era of big data. One of the  skills that can be used to make effective use of big data is the ability to process,  analyze, and draw conclusions from data, which is closely related to statistical  literacy. This research attempts to conduct a systematic review focusing on the study  of Statistical Literacy in Indonesia from 2017 to 2022 utilizing Google Scholar and  the Publish or Perish program. A systematic Literature Review is the research  methodology. There All are articles indexed by SINTA. The search strategy was  tailored to the inclusion criteria and used the PRISMA protocol as a guide to  determine the research instrument. This study includes as moderator variables the  year of publication, the level of education, the research method, and the location of  the research. The research sample consisted of 40 statistical literacy articles. The  results showed that most articles were published in 2021. Most research was  conducted at university levels and was carried out on the island of Java, namely Jawa  Barat and East Java. The most widely used research method in this study is the  qualitative method. TMostof publications focused on two primary teaching methods:  teacher-centered teaching and student-centered teaching.

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