Putu Siwi Jayanti


Film is an art in the form of audio-visual which is generally much loved by all people. Film aims to entertain people by presenting something that can be watched and enjoyed visually. Imperfect film is a 2019 Indonesian film directed by Nadya Anindita. In the imperfect film, it features a comedy mixed drama genre whose contents tell about the love story of the characters in the film. In addition, this film also tells about the career journey of a film character. The characters in this film are said to come from various regions in Indonesia, namely the regions of Papua, Jakarta and Garut. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing the use of language from the dialogues of the characters in this film. This study aims to find out the types of code mixing from the dialogues of the characters in this film. Besides that, it also analyzes the factors that influence the occurrence of the code mixing. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. In qualitative descriptive there are data collection, note-taking, and observing techniques. Research data collected by researchers in the form of dialogue between the characters in the film Imperfect. The code mixing used in the dialogue in this film is a mixture of Indonesian and Sundanese, Indonesian and Papuan, and Indonesian and English.

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