Laksmi Tara Dewi, Bayu Fatah Alam, Wahyu Budi Utami, Kresna Kusuma Wardana


Science and technology cannot be separated, because technology  is developed based on scientific concepts and principles, while  developing science requires technology. In the advancement of  technology in education, of course, one must be able to  anticsciencete social problems related to science. Science learning seeks to arouse students' interest in order to increase their intelligence and understanding of nature and its contents. Students not only know scientific concepts but can also apply scientific abilities in solving various problems and can make decisions. Science learning should be done by linking the social problems that students experience in everyday life with the concepts learned in class. In addition, learning science needs to link the concepts learned with both simple and modern technology, and how the technology is applied in social life in society. The urge to know that has actually formed, has encouraged them to admire and believe in the existence of harmony in nature. Thoughts are carried out in a pattern so that they can be understood by others. This STS approach also accommodates the contextual teaching and learning approach, where students are directly invited to understand science in accordance with the real conditions that occur in their surroundings. In the Community Technology Science approach, the environment is not only in the form of a physical environment where students can study abioic natural phenomena (non-living things) and biotic natural phenomena (living things), but also study their impact on society (community environment).

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