Iis Ristiani


Driven by the various needs in innovative, dynamic and collaborative learning, in line with the development of science and technology, as well as various conditions due to the covid 19 pandemic, it is necessary to carry out lectures in a variety of ways by utilizing various technology-based learning media applications. The mode of learning has also changed, from the usual face-to-face meetings, with the existing conditions, it requires educators to be able to teach indirectly as well. This means that educators must master various learning media applications that can be used online. This demand directs educators to be able to teach in both ways. Carry out teaching in hybrid learning. For this reason, to meet the demands above, and against the backdrop of the difficulty of students speaking in public, research was conducted to fulfill both. Likewise in learning Public Speaking which is a variable in this study. There were various difficulties found in students in the practice of public speaking. Several contributing factors such as feeling unprepared, not daring, full of worry, indecision, not understanding the topic, feeling afraid/stage fright, not confident, not knowing how to convey it, and various other problems. This condition is a common condition that is often faced by students in Public Speaking lectures, especially by novice speakers. Therefore, it is necessary to look for solutions to these problems. Moving on from these two conditions, the author tries to carry out this Public Speaking lecture based on an awareness seminar. This Leadership Seminar is trained through practical in class and practice outside the classroom. It is carried out using two modes, namely offline and online. This condition is also the background to the need for students to master various online learning media applications. This research was carried out using the Experimental Research Method on students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. The problems studied are formulated in three ways, namely how to prepare for public speaking lectures through the practice of personality seminars? How is the implementation of public speaking lectures through the practice of personality seminars? and How are the results of public speaking lectures through the practice of personality seminars? The techniques used in this study are test techniques and questionnaire technique. Through this webinar practice, students are trained to prepare themselves and are required to be willing and able to speak in public. The practice of coaching seminars in this research is carried out offline in the classroom and online outside the classroom.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.3014


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