Amsal Alhayat, Din Wahyudin, Laksmi Dewi


This study aims to provide an overview of curriculum management carried out at SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung. The research was conducted using a descriptive-qualitative method by collecting data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The interview activity was carried out by determining key informants, namely the school principal and vice principal of the curriculum section. The research results obtained are; 1) SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung implements the latest revision of the 2013 curriculum in order to maximize the delivery of quality education; 2) Curriculum planning at SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung is carried out by involving all elements of education from the head of the foundation to the teachers and planning is carried out once a year through program improvements and enhancements; 3) Organization of the curriculum at SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung is carried out with an orientation towards fulfilling the interests and potential of students; 4) Implementation of the curriculum at SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung is carried out through in-class learning and outside-class learning (extracurricular) with the provision of education supported by special programs (bilingual programs and the "Tebesma" program), cooperation programs, and adequate infrastructure; and 5) The evaluation of the curriculum at SMA Taruna Bakti Bandung is based on two things, namely, assessment in class, which includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments, and supervision of the implementation of the curriculum as a whole, which is carried out cooperatively by the school principal and educational supervisor.

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