Vidayanti Vidayanti, Ainur Rohmah, Nia Kurniati


The objective of this research was to find out whether orxnotxthe used of Smart Tree Media can increase students’ speaking on descriptive text at  the seventh grade of Equality Education Program Salafiyah Islamic Boarding  School (PKPPS) Wustha Fatkhul Ulum Srimulyo Tapus. The study was  quantitative research by using an experimental method and quasi-experimental  design. Meanwhile, the population was the seventh grade of Equality Education  Program Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School (PKPPS) Wustha Fatkhul Ulum Srimulyo Tapus in academic year 2021/2022, with the total of population was  97 students. Where the sample of the research were 65 students was taken by  using purposive sampling, those where 33 students of VII A as the experimental  class and 32 students of VII B as the control class. Moreover, the researcher  used speaking test. The data obtained from Independent t-test analysis, between  the result of post-test in experimental class and control class. Based on the calculation by using Independent t-test, the researcher found that tobtained was  higher than ttable (5,954 and 5,984 > 2,021) at the significance level α = 0,05) in  two tail test. So, the Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and Alternative  Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It can be conclude that there was any significant difference in teaching speaking by using Smart Tree Media at the seventh grade  of Equality Education Program Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School (PKPPS)  Wustha Fatkhul Ulum Srimulyo Tapus.

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