Cecep Ali Nurjaman, Ipah Muzdalipah, Dian Kurniawan


This study aims to find out the process of   developing Scratch-based teaching on triangle and   rectangural materials and find out the responses of students in their use. The teaching materials in it contain material,   sample, practice questions, and quizzes. The method use is   the Reseach & Development (R&D) method with the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation &   Evaluation (ADDIE) model. Data collection techniques are carried out with interviews, observations, documentation and validation sheets given to material and media experts,   response questionnaires for students. The results shows the form of Scratch-based teaching products on triangle and rectangural materials that have been validated and are   suitable for use and can be accessed though smartphones, tablets, computers and laptops. Based on the validation   results carried out, the validation results of material experts   obtained an average percentage value (%) of 88.09% with the criteria “Very Valid / Very Feasible†and media expert   validation obtained and average percentage value (%) of 73.75% with the criterion “Valid / Feasibleâ€. The small group trial (limited tes) given to 10 students of class VII A SMPN 1 Bojongasih on learning using Scratch-based teaching on triangular and rectangural materials produced   an average of 90.73% with a very interesting category and   questionnaires given to 32 students of class VII A SMPN 1   Bojongasih in large groups obtained an average of 93.93%   with very interesting categories. It can be concluded that   scratch-based teaching materials on triangular and rectangural material developed are feasible and interesting   to use in the learning process of students.

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