Aprilla Adawiyah, Aan Hasanah, Alifa Yustianisa, Dinar Nursyifa


This article aims to describe the use of the reel feature on Instagram social media accounts in project-based learning. Learning that uses this feature is the Journalistic Language Variety and Phonology course for students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. In the Variety of Journalistic Languages course, students are given a project to make citizen journalism containing news on the Cianjur earthquake, while in the Phonology course, students have discussions on Phonology material that they understand individually. Previously, students made plans or drafted material that would be used as content on Instagram reels. The method used is the qualitative method. From the results of student assignment projects, five videos were uploaded on Instagram reels regarding citizen journalism, and twenty-one videos discussed phonology. Aspects of video assessment include: 1) conformity with the theme or course assignment, 2) ideas and messages conveyed, 3) originality, and 4) shooting and editing techniques

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.2980


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