Ai Musrifah, Intan Permata Wangi, Sutono Sutono


The digital system has become a habit in carrying out the daily  activities of the community at this time. In organization or agency, the digital  system has become one of the supporters in improving the performance and  services provided, olso in the world of education. Along with the Covid-19  pandemic, of course teaching and learning activities must be carried out remotely  and this will also be a necessity for teachers to carry out online presence. Presence  of attendance or absence is an initial activity of students and teachers before  starting class learning begins, which becomes evidence that teaching and learning  activities are carried out in educational units. The purpose of this research is to  facilitate teacher presence and recapitulate teacher attendance data, it is necessary  to design and create a mobile-based digitalized teacher presence application.  Scan QR is a tool that can be used in designing attendance applications. OR is a  code with a fast response in how it works that can be read through a scanner (code  reader). The development method used in making this application is the waterfall  method. The system design analysis method uses the UML model which is  explained by making Use Case Diagrams, Swimlane Diagrams, Class Diagrams,  Sequence Diagrams and deployment diagrams. The results of the design in this  study are implemented into a mobile-based application for carrying out  attendance to teachers before class learning begins, using a QR scan feature to  make it easier for teachers and staff to record teacher attendance at school.

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