M. Januar Ibnu Adham, Kelik Wachyudi


The purpose of this research is to disentangle the teaching of tolerance with the help of metaphors in civic education. The issue for this research is how to teach tolerance through metaphors in civic education to tertiary students. To limit the study, the researchers limit to teach tolerance through metaphors in civic education to tertiary students. In this research paper, the researchers took qualitative with embracing a case study. The participants are a lecturer and 60 students in the civics class. The result and discussion can be explained by the research here. The teaching of tolerance through metaphors by the lecturer along with the history of local wisdom made the students understand how to think at first before doing. This means teaching with a focus on metaphor is an alternative for the lecturers to teach tolerance in multi-culture and multi-language as an Indonesian archipelago. The conclusion from this study demonstrates that metaphors are a panacea for teaching tolerance in civic education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1381


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