Mariani Mariani, Puji Sri Rahayu, Hidayah Nor


Paraphrasing as a method of avoiding plagiarism becomes the most important in academic writing. Responding this issue, the researchers interest to conduct the study in analyzing university students’ paraphrasing seen from the strategies and the paraphrased identifications. This study used qualitative research. Data were collected from ten of sixth year students majoring in English at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Antasari Banjarmasin who enrolled English for Academic Purposes subject in academic year of 2020 through documentation of Introduction section in their research proposals. The finding of this study indicated that using synonyms and condensing original were as the most frequency, followed by using varied structure, changing parts of speech and expanding phrase for clarity. On the other hand, students rarely used changing word order, separating long sentence, and combining sentences. The highest paraphrased identification was moderate revision that occurred five times or a half of participants, followed by near copy, minimal revision and substantial revision with same result that occurred once. This study also found that some students paraphrased the sentence without mentioning the main source and it is considered as plagiarism. Based on the result, it is suggested that English writing instruction at any university should provide more training on paraphrasing for the students, so it will make them aware of the paraphrase strategies and avoid plagiarism

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