Yusuf Maulana


The research titled “the use of language on Istagram among English language studentsâ€. The objective of this research was to focus on how the use of language and language style, on several Instagram posted by students English department semester V Suryakancana University Cianjur. In this study the author used language style theory, and also used qualitative research method for conducting the data. There are three problems that are the focus of this research, such as: 1. How the use of language. 2. What the factor that affects the use of language on Instagram. 3. What language style used. Researchers collect data by observation and perform language style analysis on Istagram posts of English students. Furthermore, after doing all steps of the research, researchers will know the reason for the use of the language and also language style on Istagram posts of English students. The last author will get information in the form of data from the series of research that has been done

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