Anggi E Pratiwi, Naura N Ufairah, Riska S Sopiah


As one of the most popular social media applications in China, TikTok also takes a place in the international field, comparable to Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Wechat and so on. Even though massive relevant studies have suggested that utilizing social media for language teaching can have positive effects on learning performance, limited literature shed lights on the utilization of TikTok for educational purposes. This study aims to learn how a TikTok application can become a medium of learning for the pronunciation skill or pronunciation of students.Subject of this study was the university's English education student Suryakancana. The total number of respondents was 8 (eight) persons of five (5) regular class students and three (3) non-regular class students. The data collections device was done with observation and questionnaire. The data in this study was analyzed by qualitative. The data analysis follows an interactive model from Miles and Huberman, weaving: data reduction, display data, and verification of data and prediction. From this research shows that the respondents had a positive attitude toward a TikTok application as a video aid while learning through TikTok application used it as an English language learning strategy to help and enhance literacy and speaking skills. In addition, respondents expressed a strong desire to use a TikTok application to watch and understand all the content associated with basic English skills

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1374


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