Nanang Rustandi


This research on "Consumer Protection Laws in Dispute Solution in BPSK Cianjur District" is to see the field conditions, how people can get protection and rights as end users of a product (consumer). End users of a product are entitled to proper legal services if they are harmed in various trading transaction activities. So in the implementation of this study using two kinds of research, namely library research (library research) and field research (field research). Data processing by searching for related literature in the form of regulations, legislation, books and field data which are processed and analyzed using the qualitative method. The implementation of consumer protection legislation is in accordance with the objective, namely to provide a sense of justice for consumers as recipients of products and producers as providers of services, both goods and services. Implementation rules seek justice if consumers feel disadvantaged, then it can be through an institution that has been regulated in the Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen (UUPK), namely the Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK). Until now, many consumers have been served in this institution which was formed in 1999. In fact, the parties considered that this institution could provide justice for both parties, namely consumers and business actors

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