Muhamad Darki As’ari, Riana Arisandi Budiman, Rizky Muhammad Nur Alam, Sisy Aliviya S


This study aims at investigating the implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in the digital learning of reading comprehension. Noticeably, this study focuses on the students’ responses towards its implementation. This study occupied the qualitative method. The data were then obtained using observation and questionnaire to address the first and second study aims respectively. The data of this study were obtained from 10 students of the first semester of English education, Suryakancana University. The results of the data analysis show that the implementation of GTM assists students in the reading comprehension process. Moreover, this method can be well suited to the digital learning despite the fact that this method is one of the classic methods. Students also gave positive responses of the method even though they spent more time in the translation steps and in comprehending the text in the target language

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