Ilma Triandi Putri, Irena Amanda Soekadri, Muna Herlinawati, Riki Yusuf Saputra, Sindi Siti Rahmawati


This research investigates the students’ interests toward the use of Semantics mapping strategies in teaching vocabulary and focuses on giving and explaining the direction. The researcher used qualitative method. Data were collected by conducting observation and giving questionnaire to the respondent to find out the students’ interests toward semantic mapping strategies. The populations of this research were 14 students. In choosing sample, the researcher applied total sampling. The researcher chose class eight of SMP Plus Al – Ma’arif. The findings show that the students have high interest toward semantic mapping. There were 12 students (86%) were agreed, whereas two students (14%) were disagreed. It means that the students have positive interest toward the use of semantic mapping in vocabulary teaching and learning. One of the major factor that make the students interested in semantics mapping strategies is the interactivity. The strategies did not make the students feel bored

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