Elis Homsini Maolida, Milma Vinca Cantikka Hidayat


Students’ errors in writing could indicate that the students are unaware of the existence of distinctive rules in using English, particularly in the written form. Making errors is, somehow, a fundamental part of learning new language. In this sense, the teachers may utilize the information from the errors as an authentic source to evaluate students’ writing proficiency. Moreover, identifying students’ writing problems paves the way for the teachers to unfold the appropriate solutions to overcome the problems. Considering those, this research was conducted to discover students’ writing errors, classify them to the surface structure taxonomy proposed by Dulay, Burt, Krashen (1982) and James (2013), and further identify most dominant type of error. The experts classify the error into four elements: omission, addition, misformation and misordering. The participants involved in this research were 22 EFL students from one of the senior high schools in Cianjur. Qualitative research method was chosen to conduct this research students’ writing of personal letters as the main source of the data. The findings showed that from the total of 68 data of the errors, a total of 25 (36.76%) data belonged to addition which is the most dominant error type, 20 (29.41%) data belonged to omission, 19 (27.94%) data belonged to misformation, and only 4 (5.88%) data belonged to misordering errors

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1369


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