Firdha Akhdania Kamilah, Annisa Nuryanti


Students usually face some difficulties in writing class because the topics are mostly irrelevant to their daily lives. Nowadays, students prefer digital media to the analog ones. Therefore, this study intertwines cross-cultural web page namely Ibunka to engage students in writing class. Moreover, this study intends to investigate the students’ engagement in writing class by using cross-cultural web page. Furthermore, it is also to find students’ responses when using cross-cultural web page in writing class. This study used descriptive qualitative method and involved 20 students in the writing class.  The data were gathered from observation and open-ended questionnaire which consisted of five questions. Afterwards, the data were analyzed qualitatively. The findings showed that the teacher used a variety of strategies to engage students in writing class and the use of cross-cultural web page successfully engaged them. Besides, students gave positive responses when using cross-cultural web page in writing class. However, they inevitably faced the internet connection issue when using web page.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1368


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