Euis Nursifa Laila Nugraha, Salsabila Salsabila, Tassya Salsabila Ramadhiani


This study presents the issues of the implementation of online quiz application named Quizziz in the Sociolinguistics course. This study aims at investigating the online assessment processes using Quizizz to evaluate students’ attainment in the topic of politeness, and finding out the strength and weaknesses of the technology use for the assessment process. The data were gathered from 20 English Education students from Suryakancana University who are taking Sociolinguistic course. To achieve these aims, qualitative research design was employed. Phenomenological study was implemented where the data were obtained by understanding the participants’ point of view. This research used classroom observation and questionnaire. The findings showed that three out of 20 students encountered the internet connection issue from their smartphone providers. Four out of 20 students were tricked by the multiple-choice questions. They felt rushed to finish these types of questions due to the limited time allotment. However, the rest of the students has no issues during the process. They thought that online assessment using Quizziz is more intriguing and engaging compared to paper-and-pencil quizz format

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