Bagus Setyadi Nugroho, Frista Danka Nafasya, Nabila Nurshanya, Siti Hasanah Awaliyah


Vocabulary is an essential element in mastering English since this links to four language skills. The lack of vocabulary mastery becomes the main problem for students’ motivation in learning English. This study attempts to investigate the implementation of HelloTalk application in teaching vocabulary. This also covers the examination of its advantages as well as the obstacles. This study utilized a qualitative approach and applied triangulation to verify the data. To gather the data, this study used observation to investigate the teaching vocabulary practices using HelloTalk application, and then conducted the interviews to address the advantages as well as the obstacles of the technology implementation. Miles and Huberman’s model was used to analyze the data. It consists of data collection process, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The participants were six children around 11 years old from Kadudampit, Cianjur. A more comprehensive study involving more than two instruments and more participants is highly suggested to enrich the data.  Notably, the premium version is also suggested to maximize the utilization of technology in teaching vocabulary

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