Mursyid Mursyid


In 2020, education system in the world has been disrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis caused the diminishing opportunities for many children, youth, and adult learners (United Nations, 2020). In Indonesia, education face many challenges such as online system of schooling, distanced-learning from home, lack of interaction between students and teacher, and many more. In this paper, the challenges of learning from home, lesson planning for pandemic situation, implementation of the learning from home processes during the pandemic situation in many school levels are reported. The study employed qualitative research in which documents used as data. It was found that most of teachers used WhatsApp as the communication platform to interact with their students. Other applications used as online classroom are Google Classroom, Google Meet, Telegram, Zoom Meeting, etc. Those applications used by teachers and students in effort of struggling for the learning in the middle of current situations. Based on the data, it can be found that teaching and learning still can be done effective enough with various adaptation towards online classrooms

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PDF 241-247


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