Sendi Ramdhani, Siti Maryam, Elsa Komala


Multiliteracies competence of Indonesian students is still low based on the results of the 2018 PISA study which places Indonesia at level 1 (lowest) from 6 levels (highest). The multiliteracies competence referred to are reading literacy, mathematical literacy, and scientific literacy. This can also be seen in several studies that have been carried out, for example the results of the 2019 study revealed that 74% of the provinces were in the low and very low category on the reading literacy activity index, the results of the 2017 study showed that the mathematics literacy skills of high school students were in the very low category, and research in 2018 shows that the science literacy skills of new high school students are developing. Low literacy will have an impact on the low productivity of the nation so that it will also have an impact on the level of national welfare. Therefore, it is necessary to increase literacy skills through the provision of reading materials and increase children's reading interest. This reading material can be in the form of digital reading material which is now very abundant and easily accessible via smart phones, which are mostly owned by high school students. The use of digital technology reading materials will also be more optimal if it is done through maps of students' lives because they will access information about knowledge, skills, and character values (personality) according to their goals

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