Arief Sugih W, Lutfiah Fitriany, Neng Sipa


Sociolinguistics is study about the connection among language and society. People have different language style when they interact each other. By using many variations, it can be possible for them to mix their language in their utterance. Mixing one language with other languages, in sociolinguistics field, it is called code mixing. The use of code mixing in society is common. It happens on a YouTube channel from a phenomenal and famous YouTuber in Indonesia who has the largest subscribers in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, that is Boy William. Therefore, this research focuses on code mixing that emerges on Boy William’s video on his YouTube channel. This research examines the code mixing that occurs at each opening in the #NebengBoy vlog on Boy William's YouTube channel. This research used descriptive qualitative method by using content analysis of Boy William’s video on his YouTube channel

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