Dina Indriyani


Society 5.0 is defined as a concept of society that makes humans and technology as the center of life. Society 5.0 is an answer to anxiety about the erosion of mankind's position by the powerful technology mix in the era of revolution 4.0. In society 5.0, there is a synergy between humans and technology so that there is no longer any concern about the displacement of the human role by technology. In this era of society 5.0, human existence and technology play a strategic role. Both are assets for improving the quality of human life. Society 5.0 tries to realize human life that is full of technology but still humanist. Humans are no longer used as slaves to technology but must control technology. In the era of society 5.0, a social capital is needed which can be used as capital to construct human life which will be based on technology. The social capital is a local culture which is full of wisdom values contained therein. One of the local wisdoms that can be used as social capital to form a community 5.0 is the local wisdom of the Cianjur Cultural Pillar.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/cp.v0i0.1314


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