Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Autobiografi dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning

Dita Yulianda


This article will describe learning to write auotobiografi text using Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. The method used in the research, namely the experiment with the design of One-Group Pretest-Postest. Technique of collecting data in the form of test, observation, and questionnaire. The population in the study of students of class XI SMK Nurul Islam Cianjur, with a sample of 22 students. From the results of the study known the average value of the initial test 60.45 and the average value of the final test 80.91. The result of calculation with t-test known value that is 11,41 and value for t.s 0,05 value t = 1,72 and for t.s 0,01 value t = 2.51. Thus, there is a significant difference between students' ability in learning to write autobiographic text before and after using Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. The difference seen in the final test results is higher than the initial test results. The use of Contextual Teaching and Learning approach also get positive response for students, this can be proved by the percentage of student answers for positive response is greater than negative response, that is 30% of students who choose strongly agree (SS)> 4% of students who choose strongly disagree (STS).

Keywords: autobiographic text, contextual

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