Learning Politeness in Interviews Using Role Play Strategies

Susanti Sri Purnama


This article describes the effectiveness of learning politeness speak by using the role playing strategy of grade VIII B MTs Islamiyah Sayang students. The method used in the research is the experimental method with the object of research class VIII students as many as 35 people. The result showed 61,76% of students got the highest score in the final test in politeness of speech when doing interview using role playing strategy that is 91 with the number of students who got 1 person, the students who get the value of 90 that is 2 people, the students who get the value 89 seb sebasar 2 people, students who score 87 as much as 2 people, students who get 86 points as much as 1 person, students who get the value of 85 as many as 3 people, students who get the value of 84 as 3 students who get the value of 81 as 3 people, students who get a score of 80 as 1 person, students who get the value of 79 as many as 2 people, students who scored 77 as many as 2 people, students who score 76 as many as 1 person, students who score 75 as many as 2 people, and students who score 73 as many as 1 person. Judging from the average percentage of capabilities reaching 82.33% of final test research considers effective role-playing strategies used in speech decency learning in interviews.

Keywords: decency, interview, role play.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/alinea.v1i2.194


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