Alinea is a scientific journal published by Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Suryakancana in cooperate with Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia(PPJB-SIP) that covers various issues related to the learning of bahasa Indonesia. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been studied in the area of learning bahasa-sastra Indonesia.
Alinea has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by the Minister of Research, Technology, Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Fourth Grade (Sinta 4) since Volume 10 Nomor 2 2021 until Volume 15 Nomor 1 2026 according to the decree No. 105/E/KPT/2022.
Alinea is published biannually, in April and October with p-ISSN 2301-6345 (cetak); e-ISSN 2614-7599 (online) and DOI: 10.35194/alinea.v1i1
Jurnal Alenia
Makna Konotatif dalam Lirik Lagu “Berisik” Karya Dere dan Tulus | |
This article will describe the connotative meaning in the lyrics of the song "Berisik" by Dere and Tulus. The method used in the research is qualitative. Data collection techniques use reading and note-taking techniques. Secondary and primary research data. The results of the research show that in the lyrics of "noisy" songs, people sometimes forget that what they say can hurt or disturb other people. When speaking, you should think first so you can filter your words. The lyrics of the song above also tell about humans having one mouth but speaking a lot and not wanting to be outdone by other humans. Keywords: noisy; connotative; song lyrics Abstrak: Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan makna konotatif dalam lirik lagu “Berisik” karya Dere dan Tulus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik baca dan catat. Data penelitian sekunder dan primer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam lirik lagu “berisik”manusia terkadang lupa bahwa hal yang mereka ucapkan dapat menyakiti atau menggangu orang lain. Dalam berbicara seharusnya harus di fikirkan dulu sehingga dapat memfilter perkataan nya. Lirik lagu di atas juga mencerimkan tentang manusia memiliki satu mulut tapi banyak sekali dalam berbicara dan tidak mau kalah dengan manusia yang lain.. Kata kunci berisik; konotatif; lirik lagu | |
Posted: 2024-10-28 | More... |
Pemerolehan Bahasa pada Anak Penyandang "Down Syndrome" | |
This article analyzes, classifies and explains the acquisition of speech in children with Down syndrome, both reduction and substitution. Qualitative descriptive research method, data collection techniques: listening, taking notes, interviews and documentation. The results of speech reduction research for people with Down syndrome experienced difficulties with vowels [e] and vowels [i]. Consonant difficulties include the bilabial consonant phoneme [b] [m] [p], the alveolar consonant phoneme [l] [r] [n] [s], the glottal consonant phoneme [h], and the dental consonant phoneme [t]. Meanwhile, in speech substitution, 15 phonemes are substituted, namely [l] ? [y], [l] ? [r], [j] ? [s], [d] ? [i], [k] ? [ t], [g] ? [h], [s] ? [w], [b] ? [w], [b] ? [y], [r] ? [y], [t] ? [w] , [t] ? [?], [?] ? [g], [n] ? [?], [?] ? [n]. Keywords: down syndrome; psycholinguistics; speech Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis, mengklasifikasikan, menjelaskan pemerolehan ujaran pada anak down syndrome baik reduksi maupun substitusinya. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data simak, catat, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian reduksi ujaran penyandang down syndrome mengalami kesulitan vokal [e] dan vokal [i]. Kesulitan konsonan yaitu fonem konsonan bilabial [b] [m] [p], fonem konsonan alveolar [l] [r] [n] [s], fonem konsonan glotal [h], dan fonem konsonan dental [t]. Sedangkan pada substitusi ujaran fonem yang mengalami substitusi sebanyak 15 fonem, yaitu [l] ? [y], [l] ? [r], [j] ? [s], [d] ? [i], [k] ? [t], [g] ? [h], [s] ? [w], [b] ? [w], [b] ? [y], [r] ? [y], [t] ? [w], [t] ? [?], [?] ? [g], [n] ? [?], [?] ? [n]. Kata kunci: down syndrome; psikolinguistik; ujaran | |
Posted: 2024-10-28 | More... |
Citra Perempuan Modern Novel "Lebih Senyap dari Bisikan" Karya Andina Dwifatma | |
This article will describe the physical image and psychological image of modern women in the novel " Lebih Senyap dari Bisikan " by Adinda Dwifatma. The theories used are Djajanegara's feminist literary criticism theory, Sugihastuti's image of women, and Bruns' self-image. The data analysis technique uses a Flow Model which includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings show that the modern woman depicted is a woman who is slim and smooth, a woman who is mature, and cares about her health. Then, psychologically, modern women are characterized as women who are technologically literate, independent, easy to get along with, tough and hardworking, and have anxiety. Keywodrs: image; contemporary women; literary feminism Abstrak: Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan citra fisik dan citra psikis perempuan modern dalam novel “Lebih Senyap dari Bisikan” karya Adinda Dwifatma. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori kritik sastra feminis Djajanegara, citra perempuan Sugihastuti, dan citra diri Bruns. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Flow Model yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa perempuan modern yang digambarkan merupakan perempuan yang langsing dan mulus, perempuan yang dewasa, dan peduli terhadap kesehatan. Kemudian, secara psikis perempuan modern memiliki ciri sebagai perempuan yang melek teknologi, mandiri, mudah akrab, tangguh dan pekerja keras, serta memiliki kecemasan. Kata kunci: citra; fenimisme sastra; perempuan modern | |
Posted: 2024-10-28 | More... |
Dampak Penggunaan Alat Permainan Edukatif terhadap Perkembangan Sintaksis Anak Penderita ADHD | |
This article will describe the impact of the use of APE on the syntactic development of children, especially children with language disorders, namely Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or known as ADHD. This study is included in descriptive research with qualitative methods. While the subjects in this study were ADHD children aged 4-7 years. The data in the study were the statements of an informant, namely a teacher with the initials S. The data collection technique used in the study was the interview technique. The results of the study showed that APE had a significant impact on the syntactic development of children with ADHD. With this tool, children are more enthusiastic, can focus, enjoy more, and have fun in every learning activity that takes place. Not only that, children also more often express expressions that have positive connotations. In fact, children, intentionally or not, are able to form language in the aspects of syntax, phrases and sentences. Keywords: ADHD; educational play tools; syntactic development; psycholinguistics Abstrak: Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan dampak penggunaan APE terhadap perkembangan sintaksis anak, khususnya anak penderita gangguan berbahasa, yaitu Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder atau dikenal dengan ADHD. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Sementara subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak ADHD berusia 4-7 tahun. Data dalam penelitian adalah tuturan seorang informan, yaitu guru berinisial S. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa APE sangat berdampak terhadap perkembangan sintaksis anak penderita ADHD. Dengan alat ini, anak lebih semangat, bisa fokus, lebih enjoy, dan bersenang-senang pada setiap kegiatan pembelajaran yang berlangsung. Tidak hanya itu, anak juga lebih sering mengungkapkan ekspresi yang berkonotasi positif. Bahkan, anak disengaja maupun tidak, mampu membentuk bahasa dalam aspek sintaksis, frasa dan kalimat. Katakunci: ADHD; alat permainan edukatif; perkembangan sintaksis; psikolinguistik | |
Posted: 2024-10-28 | More... |
Kajian Filologi dan Hakikat Ilmu Rasa dalam Naskah Raos Jawi | |
This article will examine ancient texts or manuscripts through philological studies. The research uses library research combined with descriptive research methods and modern philological methods. The objects of the research are Raos Jawi manuscripts and texts. Data collection techniques are through manuscript inventory, manuscript description, text transliteration, text editing, and text translation. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis techniques. In the research, 2 copies of the Raos Jawi manuscript were found. The research only examined 1 Raos Jawi manuscript, manuscript code NB 1582. The results of this research are in the form of a description of the Raos Jawi manuscript and text, transliteration and editing, translation, and the nature of the science of feeling in the Raos Jawi text as follows: (1) The existence of God, (2) true soul, (3) true teacher, (4) paraning dumadi as the origin of humans, (5) humans as thinking and creative beings, (6) humans as socially feeling beings. Keywords: philology; science of taste; Raos Jawi script Abstrak: Artikel ini akan menelaah teks atau naskah kuno melalui kajian filologi. Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian pustaka (library research) yang dipadukan dengan metode penelitian deskriptif serta metode filologi modern. Objek penelitian yaitu naskah dan teks Raos Jawi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui inventarisasi naskah, deskripsi naskah, transliterasi teks, penyuntingan teks, dan penerjemahan teks. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ditemukan 2 eksemplar naskah Raos Jawi. Penelitian hanya meneliti 1 naskah Raos Jawi, kode naskah NB 1582. Hasil penelitian ini berupa deskripsi naskah dan teks Raos Jawi, transliterasi dan suntingan, terjemahan, serta hakikat ilmu rasa dalam teks Raos Jawi sebagai berikut: (1) Keberadaan Tuhan, (2) sukma sejati, (3) guru sejati, (4) paraning dumadi sebagai asal mula manusia, (5) manusia sebagai makhluk berpikir dan mencipta, (6) manusia sebagai makhluk berperasaan sosial. Katakunci: filologi; ilmu rasa; naskah Raos Jawi | |
Posted: 2024-10-28 | More... |