Paristiyanti Nurwardani


Effect of Chitosan to control Colletotrichum capsici on chili fruits in post harvest period was
investigated. Chitosan is an anti-fungi from crab or shrimp shells. Chitosan is a poly-cation polyglucosamine
(the one component of fungi cell wall). The author investigated Anthracnose disease
(%) and relative inhibition of anthracnose disease measured by scoring from AVRDC. Spraying
chitosan on chili fruit (harvesting time) covered the surface of chili from external factors including C.
capsici . Other research investigated that chitosan inhibited conidia germination, conidia
development and destroyed cell wall of hyphae of C. capsici. Chitosan layer on chili fruits surface
inhibited penetration process by C. capsici. Effect chitosan on relative inhibition of anthracnose
disease from all treatments of chitosan were significant with control (P≤ 0.05). Chitosan 0.75%
was the optimal concentration to inhibit anthracnose disease on chili fruits in post harvest period.
Chitosan is a physically barrier and an antifungal for C. capsici. Chitosane 0.75% inhibited
anthracnose disease 97.58%. The mechanism of chitosane may offer the better strategy in post


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35194/agsci.v1i1.220



Fakultas Sains Terapan Universitas Suryakancana, Jl. Pasir Gede Raya-Cianjur, 43216, Telp. (0263) 283579, Email: agroscience@unsur.ac.id 

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