Deni Mudian, Arif Fajar Prasetyo, Dinni Nurfajrin Ningsih


In reality on the field so far, futsal players, especially players who are still teenagers, are still not able to perform basic futsal techniques properly and correctly and their mastery of motion is still lacking. So in this case it must be ensured that dribbling skills are important in playing futsal and are supported by motor abilities. In this research, it aims to determine the correlation between motor ability and dribbling skills in playing futsal. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method. The population in this study were all students who took part in the futsal extracurricular at SMKN 1 Patrol, totaling 40 students. The sampling technique in this study was to use total sampling in which all populations were used as research samples. The data analysis technique used in this study is correlational statistics and for calculations using SPSS version 20, starting from descriptive statistics, normality test, homogeneity test, and correlational test. There is a significant correlation between motor ability and dribbling skills in playing futsal. Based on the results of data processing and previous explanations, the conclusion from the results of this study is that there is a relationship between motor ability and dribbling skills in futsal games. Then the implications of the results of this study are being able to apply and consider in preparing training programs that are arranged either in the futsal school curriculum or can be applied in extracurriculars. And recommendations from the results of this study for athletes, as materials to help develop skills in futsal. For trainers as a basis or reference in making training programs that are tailored to the skills of playing futsal. For further research, it can be developed and added several other variables.

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