Salman Alparis Sormin, Dharma Gyta Sari Harahap, Jamaris Jamaris, Saefur Rochmat, Muh. Rafi’y, Ferry Irawan


The Student Perspective on Radicalism in College aims to see how far students at Musamus University, Merauke know about Radicalism. The subjects in the quantitative approach research in this survey technique were 21 FKIP students at Musamus University using an instrument in the form of a closed questionnaire. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. From the results of data analysis, (1) 85.71% of respondents were familiar with the term Radicalism; (2) 80.95% of respondents believe that radicalism can cause social conflict; (3) 47.62% of respondents obtained information related to radicalism through educational and training institutions; (4) 61.90% of respondents know that religion is always associated with radicalism; (5) 66.67% of respondents thought that cultural radicalism had the potential to become a threat among the community and would disrupt social balance. Based on the studies conducted, it was found that students made their understanding of radicalism the basis of their ideas in behaving so that their perspectives were included in the maximum category in understanding radicalism.

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