Mira Esi Winaya, Jauhar Helmie


The title of this paper is Analysis of Morphemic Processes Phenomenon in English (A Study of Morphology and Semantics). The purpose of this research is to analyze morphologically and semantically the morphology units such as internal change, suppletion, and reduplication. Using the descriptive method for analyzing the cases, and taking the data of the research the writer analyzes only the internal change, suppletion, and reduplication as the object of study. Due to this research, the writer is analyzing the morphology especially internal change, suppletion, and reduplication as the superb transformation of the word. Yet the object of this research is centered on their transformations only included observing their types in morphologically and semantically. After analyzing the data, it is able to be concluded that internal change, suppletion, and reduplication have morphemic and semantic process on their own way in accordance with the grammatical contrast as parts of morphology unit.. The data collection only focused on internal change, suppletion, and reduplication, and as a result, the words that categorized as internal change will be divided into 2 types; ablaut and umlaut, ablaut is the dominant one. also the data from suppletion will be divided into 2 types; partial and total suppletion, and reduplication devided into three; total, partial, and internal reduplication. No doubt that the words also changed from its position or form. This is as a phenomenon of the language.

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