Augustine Augustine, siraj siraj, Yusuf Saputra, Lili Andasna


The research aims to describe the effectiveness of school committees in improving the performance of the Perumnas Peunyareng State Elementary School, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency. Researchers use qualitative research to describe the effectiveness of school committees. The research informants were the chairman of the school committee, the principal, committee members and teachers, as well as the school supervisor. Data was collected through interview techniques, document study and observation. Data analysis techniques include the process of: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data is carried out through a data credibility test. The results of the research found that the effectiveness of the school committee in improving the performance of the Perumnas Peunyareng Elementary School, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency. The effectiveness of an effective school committee includes coordinating, providing advice and corrections, collecting and conveying aspirations, carrying out supervision, checking school development from allocated funds, providing financial support, providing energy and thought support, conducting negotiations, and conveying information to the community. The effectiveness of the school committee has not been maximal in contributing to improving the quality of school facilities and infrastructure, strengthening the leadership of the school principal (school management), and school finances. However, the achievement of school facilities and infrastructure is not sufficient to meet school needs. There are many other components that influence this apart from the school committee, so that obtaining B accreditation could still be caused by other factors that were not examined in this research.

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