Riyan Wulan Rahayu, Sapta Kunta Purnama, Haris Nugroho, Slamet Riyadi


The purpose of this study was to examine Psychological Development of Indonesian National Boccia Athletes at the 2022 World Boccia Cup in Bahrain. The study of Indonesian boccia national athletes used qualitative research types. This research will be carried out at the NPC Indonesia Boccia National Team Training Center in Surakarta. Starting from preliminary research by making direct observations at the pusdiklat, namely in Gor Boccia, the Indonesian boccia pelatnas. The study time starts from September 2022 - June 2023. In the study of how the efforts made by coaches and teams of Indonesian boccia sports with data sources of athletes, coaches, teams, and parents of athletes, the intended population is individuals involved in that context. Data analysis techniques in this study use descriptive data analysis techniques. The stages of data analysis carried out in this development research as carried out are: data reduction, presentation of data, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results, at the 2022 World Boccia Cup in Bahrain, the efforts of the coaches and the Indonesian Boccia Sports Team reflect their dedication and commitment to prepare the athletes as a whole to perform optimally in this world-class competition. Indonesian boccia coaches and teams prepare intensive training programs tailored to the needs and abilities of each athlete. They devise a training plan that includes technical, tactical, and physical aspects so that the athletes can master the game of boccia well. Coaches and teams recognize the importance of athletes' mental readiness to face the pressures of competition. That is why they hire a mental coach to help the athlete manage his emotions, improve his concentration, and overcome his fears or doubts before the competition. Coaches and teams set realistic goals for each athlete, both in terms of performance and personal improvement. This goal forces athletes to work hard to get the results they expect. Coaches and teams ensure athletes' match equipment is tested and in optimal condition in Bahrain. This ensures athletes can compete confidently and without technical obstacles. Coaches and teams pay attention to athletes' nutrition and recovery to ensure physical condition remains excellent during preparation and Match. They provide the necessary medical support for athletes who need specialized care. It can be concluded the coach and team work closely with the Indonesian Embassy in Bahrain to provide the necessary support and facilities during the preparation and competition. Embassy support is an added value to ensure the comfort and continuity of the athlete preparation program.

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