Rina Rosdiana, Febry Marindra, D. Nurfajrin Ningsih


Previous research stated that there was an increase in short story writing skills with the application of learning modelsblended learning this is quite encouraging, but there is still quite little information from the results of similar research that relates it to students' attitudes towards the learning process the. In this article, we want to describe the improvement of students' skills in writing short story texts through a learning model blended learning and their learning attitude. The research method used is experimental research pretest-posttest all group design. The research subject used was the total population, namely class IX students of SMP PGRI Tanjungsari Bogor. Test and non-test techniques were used to process and analyze using SPSS 24 software. The results showed that 58 students had an average pretest score for the experimental class of 71.72 while the pretest score for the control class was 68.28. Then the average value in the post-test for the experimental class was 81.90 while the pre-test value for the control class was 72.07. The answer to the hypothesis, namely the skills of writing short stories of students who get the application blended learning through the application Google Classroom better than students who get short story text learning with media online learning models google form only. It is proven that 24 students (84%) students can understand and like learning short story texts using models blended learning media Google Classroom, whereas only a small proportion, namely 5 people (16%) had a negative attitude. It can be concluded that the application of learning models blended learning through the application Google Classroom in learning short story text shows an increase in short story writing skills in the class average value with a percentage increase of 17.04%. Students are positive or agree with the application of the model blended learning through the application google classroom in learning short story text. It is recommended to carry out research with different variables, for example variations of blended learning models to improve other language skills for certain educational levels.

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