Trini Handayani


According to data from the Central Statistics Agency, the divorce rate in Indonesia from 2017 to 2022 was the highest in Asia-Africa. West Java Province ranked first in divorce cases, with the majority of divorces caused by disputes and arguments, accounting for 60.6% (sixtypoint six percent) of cases. The next leading causes of divorce were economic factors, abandonment, and domestic violence (DV). Forensic linguistics can be defined as the application of linguistic science in the field of law. The application of linguistic science in law continues to evolve, for instance, in resolving cases related to defamation, threats, extortion, murder, disputes, plagiarism, corruption, and others. Besides assisting in legal cases, forensic linguistics is also utilized in counter-terrorism and intelligence efforts, such as the identification and verification of intercepted voice data. The purpose of this research is to investigate Speech Implicatures through a pragmatic approach by conducting implicature analysis on family speech (husband/wife/parents-in-law) that leads to divorce. A Mixed Method is used in this research, where data is gathered qualitatively and then analyzed quantitatively. The inclusion criteria for this study are women who have experienced divorce and are domiciled in West Java Province. The respondents consisted of 30 individuals who were interviewed using the Accidental Sampling technique. The results of this research show that 4 speeches were evaluative, 1 speech expressed dissatisfaction, 1 speech was a command, 1 speech was deemed untrustworthy (a lie, irresponsible), 1 speech questioned the partner's ability, and 2 speeches involved clarification and emphasis from the partner. Some of these speeches constitute illegal acts according to Law No. 40 of 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, as well as Circular Letter from the Chief of Police No: SE/06/X/2015 concerning Hate Speech.

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